Monday, April 13, 2009

R there any othr women out there who would rathr get almost ANY othr inexpensive gift INSTEAD OF cut flowers?

Cut flowers are pretty, but they only last so long.

If a gentleman wants to get me flowers, I prefer a potted plant, such as an orchid. Every time they bloom, you can think fondly of the person who gave it to you.

R there any othr women out there who would rathr get almost ANY othr inexpensive gift INSTEAD OF cut flowers?
As a guy I just have to say what Ablex wrote made me think – “Ouch.”

However, I do totally agree. They are all well worth a “Thumbs Up”.

Inexpensive cut flowers should be relegated to the role of a table decoration for dinner.

They are ornamental. As with the food and candles, once the evening is over they are meant to soon be discarded.

My preference is to give live plants. I especially like to give orchids. They come in such a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, just like people and my feelings for them. The message they have for me in a relation ship is that you are special and unique. The orchid doesn’t need a lot of attention, just a little care. Mainly water and food once in a while, and they will continue to bring joy in your life for quite a while to come. That would be the message I try to express.

(Yeah, I know you asked for women. But I felt like I should answer to let you all know that there are guys out there that also agree)
Reply:I heard this guy gave his GF some fresh flowers and a note that said %26quot;I will love you until each petal falls off.%26quot;

She found out that the last flower was fake.

I would love to have creative stuff like that instead of an expensive thing.

I%26#039;d actually prefer a living plant (houseplant or outdoor) over cut flowers.

Who ever decided that the amputated reproductive organs of plants are the perfect expression of affection?

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